We are cordially inviting you to a one hour training program on CAMBA – Cornea Andhatv Mukt Bharat Abhiyan by one of key resource speaker from SAKSHAM CAMBA Central Team. Details are given below
Date: 03-07-2016, Sunday
Time: 11.15AM – 12.30PM (Sharp timing is ensured, be on-time at venue
Venue: Rashtrothana Sharirika Shikshana Kendra, 36th Cross, 10th Main Road, 4th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560011
Resource Speaker: Dr. Santhosh, CAMBA Tea central team member, Hyderabad
Please attend this important one hour session and gain knowledge on CAMBA program overview, eye donation basics..
Please confirm your attendance and availability.
Thanks and Regards
Harikrishna Rai
Joint Secretary
+91 961 116 4646